✈️ My Favourite Way to Travel

Hey guys! 👋 Hope you're all having a fantastic start to your week. Before I start, I wanted to get your feedback on something. The newsletter service that I use offers a referral program, whereby readers of the newsletter can share it with their friends and if they get enough referrals that join the newsletter, they can get some freebies. Right now I was thinking of offering free e-books from my website, access to my online courses or 1-1 Zoom calls with myself. If this is something you’d be interested in, please respond to this email with “yes”. I’d like to gauge how many people are interested before I add on this $100 feature to my newsletter 😂

Now for today’s piece….

As some of you may have seen over on my Instagram, I spent 5 days in Egypt this week. 🏜️☀️ I stayed at a lovely 5* hotel on the beach and spent much of the day lying in the sun and sipping on cocktails 🍹🌞. However, on reflecting on my holiday when I got back, what made the holiday so amazing wasn’t the unlimited beer or great food - it was meeting Ahmed. Ahmed was a local Egyptian man who worked at the hotel, probably around the same age as me, who I met during my stay. 💬💭 Whenever I went over to grab a drink or food, I always made sure to bring over a question that I had been pondering about the country, religion or culture. In between enjoying the hotel, I was able to learn so much about Egypt. What was also amazing, was that Ahmed also told me about the best local restaurants to go to in town, far away from the tourist locations, as well as the best ways of getting there. 🍽️🚕 In addition to saving me a bunch of money, I was also able to engage in conversation with many more locals at the shops and sites that Ahmed recommended to me. 💰💬

Whilst there’s nothing wrong with going to a country to sunbathe all day in the sun (I love doing this from time to time, trust me), I think the best way to travel is through meeting the local people and stepping out of our comfort zones a little bit. I’m now back in psychiatry, and thanks to Ahmed, I feel that I’ve gained a fresh perspective on the world. What I know for certain, is that if I ever meet a patient who’s from Egypt, I will at least have a thing or two to say, and a few ways to connect with them on a deeper level. 💬❤️ So if you’re ever on holiday, what’s one thing that you might be able to do to connect with a local? Hit reply to this email, I’d love to hear your thoughts! 💭✉️

Have a lovely week!


👍🏾 Things I’ve enjoyed this week

  • Things I wish I’d known before we got married (book) - I’m not married myself, but I think that everyone can benefit from preparing to be with a long-term partner, particularly with divorce rates so high. I started this in Egypt and I’m close to the end. It’s a great read so far!

  • Silo (sc-fi series) - I’m about to start this series after getting it recommended to me and it looks amazing. Will let you know how it goes!

  • Travel plug (tech) - during this trip, I was reminded of how amazing it is to have a good travel plug. This one in particular has USB-C and USC-A ports so that you can charge your things without bringing a separate charger.

  • We should really be having more kids (article) - a great read talking about why declining birth rates are becoming a problem. Real eye-opener.

  • My Amazon Kindle (tech) - really had to dust this off as I hadn’t used it for a while, but whilst I was on holiday I got a few books out of it. Reminded me of how great it is to be able to download any book you want no matter where you are.

  • Mailbrew (tech) - this is a free service that creates a personalized newsletter for you with your favourite Youtubers, news, podcasts and more. Now first thing every morning I get an email summary of everything that matters to me.


📚 Highlight of the week

Make a story for the things you want to remember. Never make a story for the things you want to forget. Let those disappear with time.

Advice for New College Grads enlightenedcaveman.com

However, if your philosophy is to avoid debt as much as possible, you’ll go far. For example, it is common to get a new job and immediately run out and buy a nice new car. Resist that. Buy a car that is a few years old and doesn’t cost a fortune. Your instincts toward impressing your contemporaries coupled with the lures of easy credit will tempt you in the other direction. Always remember that nothing is more impressive than being able to do what you want, when you want, for as long as you want. You’re not there yet, and buying an expensive car is a good way to ensure that you’ll never get there. Why? Because it’s all about money out versus money in.

If you believe that leaving your job will result in overwhelming anxiety (regardless of how much you have saved), then perhaps the wise move would be to continue doing what you’re doing. Spend most of your day building wealth, and just some of it on your craft. However, if you’re in a position where you hate your job, you must accept this harsh truth: You are trading away your creative potential for fiscal security. There’s no nice way to put it. Anyone who spends a majority of their working life in an unchallenging environment cannot cultivate the clarity of mind required to bring out the best in themselves.

How to Be Thankful for Your Life With One Simple Reset - More to That moretothat.com

In the haze of everyday routine, it’s easy to forget how much you’ve traveled and how everyone in your life has supported this journey for you. The familiarity of the present moment often creates the illusion that everything has always been this way, when in reality, your life has been built and shaped to heights that were previously unreachable. Gratitude is when you take a moment to pause and appreciate the breathtaking view.

Resurfaced to me by Readwise


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🩺 (Free) How to Get into Medical School - From Application to Doctor: https://skl.sh/2TwpH0N

👨🏼‍💻 An Essay Writing Masterclass - The Best Essay Writing Technique: https://courses.kenjitomita.co.uk

🏥 Online Medicine Interview Course: https://courses.kenjitomita.co.uk

📑 Study notes, my university personal statements and dissertation: https://www.kenjitomita.co.uk/shop


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